Rubens |
Psalm 128: Saepe expugnaverunt
A gradual
1 Sæpe expugnavérunt me
a juventúte mea, * dicat nunc Israël:
Often have they fought against me from my youth, let
2 Sæpe expugnavérunt me a juventúte mea: * étenim non
potuérunt mihi.
2 Often have
they fought against me from my youth: but they could not prevail over me.
3 Supra dorsum meum
fabricavérunt peccatóres: * prolongavérunt iniquitátem suam.
3 The wicked
have wrought upon my back: they have lengthened their iniquity.
4 Dóminus justus concídit cervíces peccatórum: *
confundántur et convertántur retrórsum omnes, qui odérunt Sion.
4 The Lord
who is just will cut the necks of sinners: 5 Let
them all be confounded and turned back that hate Sion.
5 Fiant sicut fœnum tectórum: * quod priúsquam evellátur
6 Let them
be as grass upon the tops of houses: which withers before it be plucked up:
6 De quo non implévit manum suam qui metit: * et sinum
suum qui manípulos cólligit.
7 Who with
the mower fills not his hand: nor he that gathers sheaves his bosom.
7 Et non dixérunt qui
præteríbant: Benedíctio Dómini super vos: * benedíximus vobis in nómine
8 And they
that passed by have not said: The blessing of the Lord be upon you: we have blessed
you in the name of the Lord.
Notes on the verse
3. Supra dorsum meum fabricaverunt
peccatores; prolongaverunt iniquitatem suam.
The wicked have wrought upon my back: they
have lengthened their iniquity (DR).
Supra (upon) dorsum (the
back) meum (my) fabricavérunt (they have fashioned/made/devised/wrought)
peccatóres (the sinners/the wicked)
Ladouceur (The Latin Psalter
Introduction, Selected Text and Commentary) notes that this phrase can be
literally translated as ‘upon my back, sinner were framing (ie devising)
schemes; the Hebrew Masoretic Text here uses the metaphor of ‘ploughers
ploughing upon my back’ (ie whipping), and the Monastic Diurnal and Knox translations
follows this: 'I bent my back to the oppressor,
and long was the furrow ere the plough turned' (Knox). The Hebrew word
is, however, ambiguous,
and can also mean devising (in a bad sense), so the (more ancient) Greek (and
Vulgate reflecting this) should probably be preferred.
supra, prep, with abl., and adv. on, upon
dorsum, i, n.t the back.
fabrico(r), avi, atum, are to make, fashion, build; to forge anything out of hard material.
dorsum, i, n.t the back.
fabrico(r), avi, atum, are to make, fashion, build; to forge anything out of hard material.
prolongavérunt (they have
prolonged) iniquitátem (the sin/wickedness/iniquity) suam (his/her/its)
Note that suam
here refers to iniquitatem, so in English is plural,
so translated as their.
peccator, oris, m. a sinner, transgressor; the wicked, the godless.
prolongo, avi, atum, are to prolong, lengthen, draw out.
iniquitas, atis, f (iniquus), iniquity, injustice, sin.
How do we resist the assaults of those who would attack us?
St Benedict's tools of good works (RB 4) offer several defenses against such
To fear the Day of Judgement.
To dread hell.
To desire eternal life with all
spiritual longing.
To keep death daily before one's eyes.
To keep constant guard over the actions
of one's life.
To know for certain that God sees one
When evil thoughts come into one's
heart, to dash them at once on the rock of Christ and to manifest them to one's
spiritual father.
And you can find on the next verses here.
And you can find on the next verses here.
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