Psalm 105, which opens the second Nocturn of Saturday Matins in the Benedictine Office is a long psalms chronicling salvation history. Divided into two parts, it focuses on the sins of the Israelites under Moses, and associates the reader with them, but ends with their repentance and a plea for God to save his people:
45 Salvos nos fac, Dómine, Deus noster: * et cóngrega nos de natiónibus:
47 Save us, O Lord, our God: and gather us from among the nations:
46 Ut confiteámur nómini sancto tuo: * et gloriémur in laude tua.
That we may give thanks to your holy name, and may glory in your praise.
St Alphonsus Liguori says on it:
The psalmist exhorts the Israelites to thank the Lord for all the wonders wrought in their behalf from the time that they left Egypt till the time of the Judges, and reproaches them for their ingratitude to the Lord. A matter of confusion for us Christians, who have received from God far greater benefits.The text of the psalm
1 Confitémini Dómino, quóniam
bonus: * quóniam in sæculum misericórdia ejus.
glory to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy
endures for ever.
2 Quis loquétur poténtias
Dómini, * audítas fáciet omnes laudes ejus?
2 Who shall declare the powers of the Lord? Who shall set
forth all his praises?
3 Beáti, qui
custódiunt judícium, * et fáciunt justítiam in omni témpore.
3 Blessed are they that
keep judgment, and do justice
at all times.
4 Meménto nostri,
Dómine, in beneplácito pópuli tui: * vísita nos in salutári tuo:
4 Remember us, O Lord, in the favour of
your people: visit us with your salvation.
5 Ad
vidéndum in bonitáte electórum tuórum, ad lætándum in lætítia gentis tuæ: *
ut laudéris cum hereditáte tua.
5 That we may see the good of your chosen,
that we may rejoice in the joy of your nation:
that you may be praised with your inheritance.
6 Peccávimus cum
pátribus nostris: * injúste égimus, iniquitátem fécimus.
6 We have sinned with our fathers:
we have acted unjustly,
we have wrought iniquity.
7 Patres
nostri in Ægypto non intellexérunt mirabília tua: * non fuérunt mémores multitúdinis
misericórdiæ tuæ.
7 Our fathers understood not your wonders in Egypt: they remembered
not the multitude of your mercies:
8 Et
irritavérunt ascendéntes in mare, * Mare Rubrum.
they provoked to wrath
going up to the sea, even the Red Sea.
9 Et
salvávit eos propter nomen suum: * ut notam fáceret poténtiam suam.
8 And he saved them for his own name's sake: that he
might make his power known.
10 Et
incrépuit Mare Rubrum, et exsiccátum est, * et dedúxit eos in abyssis sicut
in desérto.
9 And he rebuked the Red Sea and it was
dried up: and he led them through the depths, as in a wilderness.
11 Et salvávit eos de
manu odiéntium: * et redémit eos de manu inimíci.
10 And he saved them from the hand of them that hated them: and he redeemed them from the
hand of the enemy.
12 Et opéruit aqua
tribulántes eos: * unus ex eis non remánsit.
11 And the water covered them that afflicted
them: there was not one of them left.
13 Et
credidérunt verbis ejus: * et laudavérunt laudem ejus.
12 And they believed his words: and
they sang his praises.
14 Cito
fecérunt, oblíti sunt óperum ejus: * et non sustinuérunt consílium ejus.
13 They had quickly done, they forgot his works:
and they waited not for his counsel.
15 Et
concupiérunt concupiscéntiam in desérto: * et tentavérunt Deum in inaquóso.
14 And they coveted their desire in
the desert: and they
tempted God in the place
without water.
16 Et dedit
eis petitiónem ipsórum: * et misit saturitátem in ánimas eórum.
15 And he gave them their request: and sent
fullness into their souls.
17 Et
irritavérunt Móysen in castris: * Aaron, sanctum Dómini.
16 And they provoked Moses in the camp, Aaron the holy one of the Lord.
18 Apérta
est terra, et deglutívit Dathan: * et opéruit super congregatiónem Abíron.
17 The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan: and covered the
congregation of Abiron.
19 Et
exársit ignis in synagóga eórum: * flamma combússit peccatóres.
17 The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan: and covered the
congregation of Abiron.
20 Et
fecérunt vítulum in Horeb: * et adoravérunt scúlptile.
19 They made also a calf in Horeb: and they adored the graven
21 Et
mutavérunt glóriam suam * in similitúdinem vítuli comedéntis fœnum.
20 And they changed their glory into the likeness
of a calf that eats grass.
22 Oblíti sunt Deum,
qui salvávit eos, * qui fecit magnália in Ægypto, mirabília in terra Cham:
terribília in Mari Rubro.
21 They forgot God, who saved them,
who had done great things in Egypt, 22 wondrous works in the
23 Et dixit
ut dispérderet eos: * si non Móyses, eléctus ejus, stetísset in confractióne
in conspéctu ejus:
23 And he said that he would destroy them: had
not Moses his chosen
stood before him in the breach:
24 Ut avérteret
iram ejus ne dispérderet eos: * et pro níhilo habuérunt terram desiderábilem:
turn away his wrath,
lest he should destroy them. 24 And they set at
nought the desirable land.
25 Non
credidérunt verbo ejus, et murmuravérunt in tabernáculis suis: * non
exaudiérunt vocem Dómini.
believed not his
word, 25 and they murmured in their tents: they
hearkened not to the voice of the Lord.
26 Et
elevávit manum suam super eos: * ut prostérneret eos in desérto:
26 And he lifted up his hand over them: to
overthrow them in the desert;
27 Et ut
dejíceret semen eórum in natiónibus: * et dispérgeret eos in regiónibus.
27 and to cast down their seed among the
nations, and to scatter
them in the countries.
28 Et
initiáti sunt Beélphegor: * et comedérunt sacrifícia mortuórum.
28 They also were initiated to Beelphegor: and ate the
sacrifices of the
29 Et
irritavérunt eum in adinventiónibus suis: * et multiplicáta est in eis ruína.
29 And they provoked him with their inventions:
and destruction was multiplied among them.
30 Et stetit
Phínees, et placávit: * et cessávit quassátio.
30 Then Phinees stood up, and pacified him: and
the slaughter ceased.
31 Et
reputátum est ei in justítiam: * in generatiónem et generatiónem usque in
31 And it was reputed to him unto justice, to generation and generation for
32 Et
irritavérunt eum ad Aquas contradictiónis: * et vexátus est Móyses propter
eos: quia exacerbavérunt spíritum ejus.
32 They provoked him also at the waters of
contradiction: and Moses
was afflicted for their sakes: 33 Because they
exasperated his spirit.
33 Et distínxit
in lábiis suis: * non disperdidérunt Gentes, quas dixit Dóminus illis.
he distinguished with his lips. 34 They did not
destroy the nations of which the Lord spoke unto them.
34 Et
commísti sunt inter Gentes, et didicérunt ópera eórum: et serviérunt
sculptílibus eórum: * et factum est illis in scándalum.
35 And they were mingled among the heathens, and learned
their works: 36 And served their idols, and it became a
stumbling block to them.
35 Et
immolavérunt fílios suos, * et filias suas dæmóniis.
37 And they sacrificed their sons,
and their daughters to devils.
36 Et
effudérunt sánguinem innocéntem: * sánguinem filiórum suórum et filiárum
suárum, quas sacrificavérunt sculptílibus Chánaan.
38 And they shed innocent blood: the blood of
their sons and of their daughters which they sacrificed to the idols of Chanaan.
37 Et infécta est
terra in sanguínibus, et contamináta est in opéribus eórum: * et fornicáti
sunt in adinventiónibus suis.
the land was polluted with blood, 39 and was
defiled with their works: and they went aside after their own inventions.
38 Et irátus
est furóre Dóminus in pópulum suum: * et abominátus est hereditátem suam.
40 And the Lord was exceedingly angry with his people:
and he abhorred his inheritance.
39 Et
trádidit eos in manus Géntium: * et domináti sunt eórum qui odérunt eos.
41 And he delivered them into the hands of the
nations: and they that hated
them had dominion over them.
40 Et
tribulavérunt eos inimíci eórum, et humiliáti sunt sub mánibus eórum: * sæpe
liberávit eos.
42 And their
enemies afflicted them: and they were humbled under their hands: 43 Many times did he deliver them.
41 Ipsi autem
exacerbavérunt eum in consílio suo: * et humiliáti sunt in iniquitátibus
they provoked him with their counsel: and they were brought low by their iniquities.
42 Et vidit,
cum tribularéntur: * et audívit oratiónem eórum.
44 And he saw when
they were in tribulation: and he heard their prayer.
43 Et memor
fuit testaménti sui: * et pœnítuit eum secúndum multitúdinem misericórdiæ
45 And he was
mindful of his covenant: and repented according to the multitude of his
44 Et dedit
eos in misericórdias * in conspéctu ómnium qui céperant eos.
46 And he gave
them unto mercies, in the sight of all those that had made them captives.
45 Salvos
nos fac, Dómine, Deus noster: * et cóngrega nos de natiónibus:
47 Save us, O Lord, our God: and gather us from
among the nations:
46 Ut confiteámur
nómini sancto tuo: * et gloriémur in laude tua.
That we may give thanks to your holy name, and may glory in your praise.
47 Benedíctus
Dóminus, Deus Israël, a sæculo et usque in sæculum: * et dicet omnis pópulus:
Fiat, fiat.
48 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, from
everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say: So be it, so be it.
Scriptural and liturgical uses of the psalm
NT references |
Mk 4: 35-41; Lk 1:71 (7-9); |
RB cursus |
Saturday Matins NII |
Monastic feasts etc |
I Vespers of Advent 2 Mag ant (4-5), 5321 |
Responsories |
7565 (47) |
Roman pre 1911 |
Saturday matins |
Roman post 1911 |
1911-62: Saturday matins |
Mass propers (EF) |
Easter Vigil, AL (1),
also PS 117, 106 |