Canticum Moysis [4]
32:1 Audíte, cæli, quæ loquor: * áudiat terra verba oris mei.
32:2 Concréscat ut plúvia doctrína mea, * fluat ut ros elóquium meum.
32:3 Quasi imber super herbam, et quasi stillæ super grámina. * Quia
nomen Dómini invocábo.
32:4 Date magnificéntiam Deo nostro. * Dei perfécta sunt ópera, et
omnes viæ ejus judícia:
32:5 Deus fidélis, et absque ulla iniquitáte, justus et rectus. *
Peccavérunt ei, et non fílii ejus in sórdibus:
32:6 Generátio prava atque pervérsa. * Hǽccine reddis Dómino, pópule
stulte et insípiens?
32:7 Numquid non ipse est pater tuus, * qui possédit te, et fecit, et
creávit te?
[1962 divisio point]
32:8 Meménto diérum antiquórum, * cógita generatiónes síngulas:
32:9 Intérroga patrem tuum, et annuntiábit tibi: * majóres tuos, et
dicent tibi.
32:10 Quando dividébat Altíssimus gentes: * quando separábat fílios
32:11 Constítuit términos populórum * juxta númerum filiórum Israël.
32:12 Pars autem Dómini, pópulus ejus: * Jacob funículus hereditátis
32:13 Invénit eum in terra desérta, * in loco horróris et vastæ
32:14 Circumdúxit eum, et dócuit: * et custodívit quasi pupíllam óculi
32:15 Sicut áquila próvocans ad volándum pullos suos, * et super eos
32:16 Expándit alas suas, et assúmpsit eum, * atque portávit in
húmeris suis.
32:17 Dóminus solus dux ejus fuit: * et non erat cum eo deus aliénus.
32:18 Constítuit eum super excélsam terram: * ut coméderet fructus
32:19 Ut súgeret mel de petra, * oleúmque de saxo duríssimo.
32:20 Butýrum de arménto, et lac de óvibus * cum ádipe agnórum, et
aríetum filiórum Basan:
32:21 Et hircos cum medúlla trítici, * et sánguinem uvæ bíberet
32:22 Incrassátus est diléctus, et recalcitrávit: * incrassátus,
impinguátus, dilatátus,
32:23 Derelíquit Deum, factórem suum, * et recéssit a Deo, salutári
32:24 Provocavérunt eum in diis aliénis, * et in abominatiónibus ad
iracúndiam concitavérunt.
32:25 Immolavérunt dæmóniis, et non Deo, * diis, quos ignorábant:
32:26 Novi recentésque venérunt, * quos non coluérunt patres eórum.
32:27 Deum qui te génuit dereliquísti, * et oblítus es Dómini,
creatóris tui.
[1962 endpoint]
32:28 Vidit Dóminus, et ad iracúndiam concitátus est: * quia provocavérunt
eum fílii sui et fíliæ.
32:29 Et ait: Abscóndam fáciem meam ab eis, * et considerábo novíssima
32:30 Generátio enim pervérsa est, * et infidéles fílii.
32:31 Ipsi me provocavérunt in eo, qui non erat Deus, * et
irritavérunt in vanitátibus suis:
[traditional divisio point]
32:32 Et ego provocábo eos in eo, qui non est pópulus, * et in gente
stulta irritábo illos.
32:33 Ignis succénsus est in furóre meo, * et ardébit usque ad inférni
32:34 Devorabítque terram cum gérmine suo, * et móntium fundaménta
32:35 Congregábo super eos mala, * et sagíttas meas complébo in eis.
32:36 Consuméntur fame, * et devorábunt eos aves morsu amaríssimo:
32:37 Dentes bestiárum immíttam in eos, * cum furóre trahéntium super
terram, atque serpéntium.
32:38 Foris vastábit eos gládius, et intus pavor, * júvenem simul ac
vírginem, lactántem cum hómine sene.
32:39 Dixi: Ubinam sunt? * cessáre fáciam ex homínibus memóriam eórum.
32:40 Sed propter iram inimicórum dístuli: * ne forte superbírent
hostes eórum,
32:41 Et dícerent: Manus nostra excélsa, et non Dóminus, * fecit hæc
32:42 Gens absque consílio est, et sine prudéntia. * Utinam sáperent,
et intellégerent, ac novíssima providérent.
32:43 Quómodo persequátur unus mille, * et duo fugent decem míllia?
32:44 Nonne ídeo, quia Deus suus véndidit eos, * et Dóminus conclúsit
32:45 Non enim est Deus noster ut dii eórum: * et inimíci nostri sunt
32:46 De vínea Sodomórum vínea eórum, * et de suburbánis Gomórrhæ:
32:47 Uva eórum uva fellis, * et botri amaríssimi.
32:48 Fel dracónum vinum eórum, * et venénum áspidum insanábile.
32:49 Nonne hæc cóndita sunt apud me, * et signáta in thesáuris meis?
32:50 Mea est últio, et ego retríbuam in témpore, * ut labátur pes
32:51 Juxta est dies perditiónis, * et adésse festínant témpora.
32:52 Judicábit Dóminus pópulum suum, * et in servis suis miserébitur:
32:53 Vidébit quod infirmáta sit manus, * et clausi quoque defecérunt,
residuíque consúmpti sunt.
32:54 Et dicet: Ubi sunt dii eórum, * in quibus habébant fidúciam?
32:55 De quorum víctimis comedébant ádipes, * et bibébant vinum
32:56 Surgant, et opituléntur vobis, * et in necessitáte vos prótegant.
32:57 Vidéte quod ego sim solus, * et non sit álius Deus præter me:
32:58 Ego occídam, et ego vívere fáciam: percútiam, et ego sanábo, *
et non est qui de manu mea possit erúere.
32:59 Levábo ad cælum manum meam, et dicam: * Vivo ego in ætérnum.
32:60 Si acúero ut fulgur gládium meum, * et arripúerit judícium manus
32:61 Reddam ultiónem hóstibus meis, * et his qui odérunt me
32:62 Inebriábo sagíttas meas sánguine, * et gládius meus devorábit
32:63 De cruóre occisórum, * et de captivitáte, nudáti inimicórum
32:64 Laudáte, gentes, pópulum ejus, * quia sánguinem servórum suórum
32:65 Et vindíctam retríbuet in hostes eórum, * et propítius erit
terræ pópuli sui.
6Canticle of Moses
32:1 Hear, O ye heavens, the things I speak, * let the earth give ear
to the words of my mouth.
32:2 Let my doctrine gather as the rain, * let my speech distill as
the dew,
32:3 As a shower upon the herb, and as drops upon the grass. *
Because I will invoke the name of the Lord:
32:4 Give ye magnificence to our God. * The works of God are perfect,
and all his ways are judgments:
32:5 God is faithful and without any iniquity, he is just and right.
* They have sinned against him, and are none of his children in their filth:
32:6 They are a wicked and perverse generation. * Is this the return
thou makest to the Lord, O foolish and senseless people?
32:7 Is not he thy father, * that hath possessed thee, and made thee,
and created thee?
[1962 divisio]
32:8 Remember the days of old, * think upon every generation:
32:9 Ask thy father, and he will declare to thee: * thy elders and
they will tell thee.
32:10 When the Most High divided the nations: * when he separated the
sons of Adam,
32:11 He appointed the bounds of people * according to the number of
the children of Israel.
32:12 But the Lord’s portion is his people: * Jacob the lot of his
32:13 He found him in a desert land, * in a place of horror, and of
vast wilderness:
32:14 He led him about, and taught him: * and he kept him as the apple
of his eye.
32:15 As the eagle enticing her young to fly, * and hovering over
32:16 He spread his wings, and hath taken him * and carried him on his
32:17 The Lord alone was his leader: * and there was no strange god
with him.
32:18 He set him upon high land: * that he might eat the fruits of the
32:19 That he might suck honey out of the rock, * and oil out of the
hardest stone,
32:20 Butter of the herd, and milk of the sheep * with the fat of
lambs, and of the rams of the breed of Basan:
32:21 And goats with the marrow of wheat, * and might drink the purest
blood of the grape.
32:22 The beloved grew fat, and kicked: * he grew fat, and thick and
32:23 He forsook God who made him, * and departed from God his
32:24 They provoked him by strange gods, * and stirred him up to
anger, with their abominations.
32:25 They sacrificed to devils and not to God: * to gods whom they knew
32:26 That were newly come up, * whom their fathers worshipped not.
32:27 Thou hast forsaken the God that beget * and hast forgotten the
Lord that created thee.
[1962 end]
32:28 The Lord saw, and was moved to wrath: * because his own sons and
daughters provoked him.
32:29 And he said: I will hide my face from them, * and will consider
what their last end shall be:
32:30 For it is a perverse generation, * and unfaithful children.
32:31 They have provoked me with that which was no god, * and have
angered me with their vanities:
32:32 And I will provoke them with that which is no people, * and will
vex them with a foolish nation.
32:33 A fire is kindled in my wrath, * and shall burn even to the
lowest hell:
32:34 And shall devour the earth with her increase, * and shall burn
the foundations of the mountains.
32:35 I will heap evils upon them, * and will spend my arrows among
32:36 They shall be consumed with famine, * and birds shall devour
them with a most bitter bite:
32:37 I will send the teeth of beasts upon them, * with the fury of
creatures that trail upon the ground, and of serpents.
32:38 Without, the sword shall lay them waste, and terror within, *
both the young man and the virgin, the sucking child with the man in years.
32:39 I said: Where are they? * I will make the memory of them to
cease from among men.
32:40 But for the wrath of the enemies * I have deferred it: lest
perhaps their enemies might be proud,
32:41 And should say: Our mighty hand, and not the Lord, * hath done
all these things.
32:42 They are a nation without counsel, and without wisdom * O that
they would be wise and would understand, and would provide for their last
32:43 How should one pursue after a thousand, * and two chase ten
32:44 Was it not, because their God had sold them, * and the Lord had
shut them up?
32:45 For our God is not as their gods: * our enemies themselves are
32:46 Their vines are of the vineyard of Sodom, * and of the suburbs
of Gomorrha:
32:47 Their grapes are grapes of gall, * and their clusters most
32:48 Their wine is the gall of dragons, * and the venom of asps,
which is incurable.
32:49 Are not these things stored up with me, * and sealed up in my
32:50 Revenge is mine, and I will repay them in due time, * that their
foot may slide:
32:51 The day of destruction is at hand, * and the time makes haste to
32:52 The Lord will judge his people, * and will have mercy on his
32:53 He shall see that their hand is weakened, * and that they who
were shut up have also failed, and they that remained are consumed.
32:54 And he shall say: Where are their gods, * in whom they trusted?
32:55 Of whose victims they ate the fat, * and drank the wine of their
drink offerings:
32:56 Let them arise and help you, * and protect you in your distress.
32:57 See ye that I alone am, * and there is no other God besides me:
32:58 I will kill and I will make to live: I will strike, and I will
heal, * and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.
32:59 I will lift up my hand to heaven, * and I will say: I live for
32:60 If I shall whet my sword as the lightning, * and my hand take
hold on judgment:
32:61 I will render vengeance to my enemies, * and repay them that
hate me.
32:62 I will make my arrows drunk with blood, * and my sword shall
devour flesh,
32:63 Of the blood of the slain * and of the captivity, of the bare
head of the enemies.
32:64 Praise his people, ye nations, * for he will revenge the blood
of his servants:
32:65 And will render vengeance to their enemies, * and he will be
merciful to the land of his people.