Friday, December 13, 2013

Psalm 131: verse 17

Verse 17 of Psalm 131 reminds us of the importance of priests for the health of the Church.

Notes on the verse

Sacerdótes ejus índuam salutári: * et sancti ejus exsultatióne exsultábunt.
Sacerdotes eius induam salutari, et sancti eius laude laudabunt.

τος ερες ατς νδύσω σωτηρίαν κα ο σιοι ατς γαλλιάσει γαλλιάσονται

Sacerdótes (the priests) ejus (her) índuam (I will clothe) salutari (with salvation) et (and) sancti (the saints) ejus (her) exsultatióne (with joy) exsultábunt (they will exult)

sacerdos, dotis, m.  a priest.
induo, ui, utum, ere 3  to put on, to clothe with. Of others:
salutaris, e  Savior, Helper, used of God;  help, saving help, rescue, salvation,
sanctus, a, um,  holy.
exsulto, avi, atum, are , to spring, leap, or jump up; to exult, to rejoice exceedingly
exsultatio, onis,  , joy, rejoicing, exultation

I will clothe her priests with salvation, and her saints shall rejoice with exceeding great joy.
I will clothe her priests with salvation; and her saints shall greatly exult.
I will deck her priests with health, and her saints shall rejoice and sing.

In verse 9 the people asked for God’s blessings on them and their priests.  This verse is God's response to their request.

St Augustine spells it out:

"Who is our salvation, save our Christ? What means, therefore, I will clothe her priests with salvation? As many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ (Galatians 3:27)... Whence shall they rejoice and sing? Because they have been clothed with salvation: not in themselves. For they have become light, but in the Lord; for they were darkness before (Ephesians 5:8)"

Cassiodorus suggests that the verse points to the importance of faithful priests to the life of the Church:

"So though we have just said this, it is no shame to repeat what can reveal to us the divine mysteries: the character of teachers should be such that first they are beyond reproach themselves, and second that they instruct the hearts of the rest of the faithful. As the Lord says in the gospel: He that shall teach and act thus, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

Psalm 131 (132) – Memento Domine
Canticum graduum.
A gradual canticle.
1 Meménto, Dómine, David, * et omnis mansuetúdinis ejus :
O Lord remember David, and all his meekness.

2  Sicut jurávit Dómino, * votum vovit Deo Jacob
2 How he swore to the Lord, he vowed a vow to the God of Jacob:
3  Si introíero in tabernáculum domus meæ, * si ascéndero in lectum strati mei :
3 If I shall enter into the tabernacle of my house: if I shall go up into the bed wherein I lie:
4  Si dédero somnum óculis meis, * et pálpebris meis dormitatiónem :
4 If I shall give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my eyelids,
5  Et réquiem tempóribus meis : donec invéniam locum Dómino, * tabernáculum Deo Jacob.
5 or rest to my temples: until I find out a place for the Lord, a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.
6. Ecce audívimus eam in Ephrata: * invénimus eam in campis silvæ.
6 Behold we have heard of it in Ephrata: we have found it in the fields of the wood.
7  Introíbimus in tabernáculum ejus: * adorábimus in loco, ubi stetérunt pedes ejus.
7 We will go into his tabernacle: we will adore in the place where his feet stood. .
8  Surge, Dómine, in réquiem tuam, * tu et arca sanctificatiónis tuæ.
8 Arise, O Lord, into your resting place: you and the ark, which you have sanctified
9  Sacerdótes tui induántur justítiam: * et sancti tui exsúltent.
9 Let your priests be clothed with justice: and let  your saints rejoice.
10  Propter David, servum tuum: * non avértas fáciem Christi tui.
10 For your servant David's sake, turn not away the face of your anointed.
11  Jurávit Dóminus David veritátem, et non frustrábitur eam: * de fructu ventris tui ponam super sedem tuam.
11 The Lord has sworn truth to David, and he will not make it void: of the fruit of your womb I will set upon your throne
12  Si custodíerint fílii tui testaméntum meum: * et testimónia mea hæc, quæ docébo eos.
12 If your children will keep my covenant, and these my testimonies which I shall teach them:
13  Et fílii eórum usque in sæculum: * sedébunt super sedem tuam.
Their children also for evermore shall sit upon your throne.
14  Quóniam elégit Dóminus Sion: * elégit eam in habitatiónem sibi.
13 For the Lord has chosen Sion: he has chosen it for his dwelling.
15  Hæc réquies mea in sæculum sæculi: * hic habitábo, quóniam elégi eam.
14 This is my rest for ever and ever: here will I dwell, for I have chosen it.
16  Víduam ejus benedícens benedícam: * páuperes ejus saturábo pánibus.
15 Blessing I will bless her widow: I will satisfy her poor with bread.
17  Sacerdótes ejus índuam salutári: * et sancti ejus exsultatióne exsultábunt.
16 I will clothe her priests with salvation, and her saints shall rejoice with exceeding great joy.
18  Illuc prodúcam cornu David: * parávi lucérnam Christo meo.
17 There will I bring forth a horn to David: I have prepared a lamp for my anointed
19  Inimícos ejus índuam confusióne: * super ipsum autem efflorébit sanctificátio mea.
18 His enemies I will clothe with confusion: but upon him shall my sanctification flourish.

And for the final set of notes on this psalm, go on to here.

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